Tactic 020. Story 1. World’s Funniest Joke

World’s Funniest Joke

I was planning to use the World’s Funniest Joke to launch Project Honeylight in 2023, but I don’t think it’s funny. I’m going to launch Project Honeylight with this podcast in December, 2023 instead. I’m keeping the joke here in case you are among the large group of people who enjoy this style of humor. I had it made into a cartoon to increase the funny vibes. The joke below was rated the “funniest” out of 40,000 jokes, rated by more than 350,000 people from 70 countries. If you are interested in learning about the study that evaluated the jokes, click here to see the details from Richard Wiseman at LaughLab. A summary of the findings can be found in this paper.


This is statistically the World’s Funniest Joke.

Stories spread ideas. The most viral stories are jokes. The most viral joke is the world’s funniest joke.

I’m trying to spread an idea around the planet. Funny stories spread faster than any other kind of story, so I thought it would be funny to use a joke to launch a new idea.

A pdf version of the model below can be found here: Humor Response

Data Table
Key Value
Tactic Id Tactic 20
Story Id Story 1
Name World's Funniest Joke
Attributes Virality
Date Completed September 2022
Pattern Word virus
Emotion Humor
Timing Launch sequence (October 2023)

Tactic 18. Creating the Future. Launch sequence. From imagination to reality. BeeBox. October 2023


Tactic 21. Story 6. Money Games. Business Thermodynamics