Product 070. A Honeylight. Inspiration. December 25, 2023

Summary: A Honeylight is the symbol of Project Honeylight. It represents energy, light, heat, inspiration, and empathy. Also, the smell of warm honey amplifies the memory imprint.

Description: A Honeylight is made of the following components:

  • one hexagon jar of honey

  • a cast iron pan

  • a candle holder

  • two beeswax candles shaped like a rose

  • a printed card with distance and time from age 1 to 100 years old

  • a wooden box with Project Honeylight logo and the Honeylight logo to hold everything except the honey

Value Proposition:

Create Value for the World: Trade $1,000 for three days, two nights at Honeylight Glamping. This includes the Honeylight, the board game, the ability to book the first available spots, and early access to the BeeBox Business kits.

Create Value for the Self: Birthday questions from the Stoics, just passing through, spatial awareness (distance and time), empathy, inspiration, and connection to the universe.

Create Value for the Tribe: Attract Long Game Players to Honeylight Glamping to hatch plans.

Data Table
Key Value
System Id Honeylight Glamping
Target Long Game Players
Sub-System Id Products
Product Id Tactic 70
Story Id Story 1
Name A Honeylight
Attributes A way to create vibes (feel, smell, taste, touch)
Date Completed November 2023
Pattern Tribe Design
Emotion Inspiration, Empathy, Connection
Timing Launch sequence (December, 25 2023)
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