Vision: Observation 16. Mapping the future. 1985


This video is about a guy wanted to make the world better since he was a kid. He learned a lot from a space show (Cosmos), a nature school (Tracker School), and a smart guy named Buckminster Fuller. Mark decided to mix these ideas together. He planned to start a project to help people and the rest of nature when he got older. He was inspired by a movie about time travel (Back To the Future), to plant proof of this plan. It's a story about using cool ideas to do good things for the world, and a deed from 1985.


The single most important observation in this story is the narrator's inspiration from various mentors and philosophies to create an impactful environmental project. Influenced by Carl Sagan, Tom Brown Jr., Buckminster Fuller, and Native American teachings, the narrator aspires to combine these ideas for global good. The focus is on sustainable living, sharing resources, and planning for future generations.

The Lesson:

Embracing wisdom from different sources and planning ahead can lead to innovative solutions for a sustainable world.

How this is helpful:

  1. Inspiration: Learn from others to create impactful ideas.

  2. Sustainability: Focus on sustainable living and resource sharing.

  3. Future Planning: Think ahead for the wellbeing of future generations.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Sources of Learning: Whose teachings inspire me to make positive changes?

  2. Sustainable Practices: How can I contribute to a sustainable lifestyle?

  3. Long-term Impact: What can I do now to benefit future generations?


Spatial: Observation 15. Strategies and plans can be visualized. 1985


Planning: Lesson 17. Using my model of energy transfer to do something good. 1985