Remapping: Observation 27. Synthesizing a 4D spatial model to 4D iconic space (energy, information, and rules). 2007


Synthesizing a visualization of energy transfer into something other people can understand is powerful. To do this, I need to remap one snapshot of the architecture that processes energy, information, and rules into the six perspectives of cognition. This will allow me to explain it to other people “one perspective at a time”.

The Lesson
The most important lesson in this story is the value of synthesizing ideas to right words to communicate complex ideas effectively.

How is this helpful

  1. Problem-solving: The story illustrates effective problem-solving through visualization and simplification of complex systems.

  2. Communication: It highlights the importance of finding the right words to communicate intricate ideas clearly.

  3. Perseverance: It serves as a testament to the power of perseverance in the face of challenges and the pursuit of understanding.


  1. Purpose: "What is the purpose of my visualization, and how can it drive success?"

  2. Clarity: "Am I effectively communicating my ideas, and can I simplify them for better understanding?"

  3. Resilience: "How can I maintain perseverance and adaptability when facing obstacles in my pursuits?"

This video describes the model I remapped when I translated the spatial model into energy, information, and rules.

My first memory is a model that describes object in motion at snapshots in time. This model led to experiments with light, vibrations, heat, and marbles and ramps. These experiments taught me about energy transfer and the conversion of potential energy into kinetic energy. I didn’t know the words for these things until about 15 years after I knew them in a color-coded spatial model.

This story describes how I translated a spatial model of position, velocity, acceleration, momentum, and friction into a model of proportional energy transfer, rules that govern the conversion between energy and information, and the information being moved by the energy.

This model describes the conversion of potential money into kinetic money and the thermodynamics of business systems. It took me from 1985 to 2007 to translate the system from the spatial construct and the gear model.

Cloud Measurement Table
What How much (example) Where When How Why
Water Content 0.3 g (x,y) April 23, 4:45 EST Weigh condensed water or use hygrometer Ambient temperature, humidity levels
Droplet/Ice Crystal Size Distribution 10 to 30 microns (x,y) April 23, 4:45 EST Use a microscope or laser diffraction Temperature, supersaturation of air
Number Density of Droplets/Crystals 1000 droplets per cm³ (x,y) April 23, 4:45 EST Count in sampled volume using microscopy Humidity, temperature, nucleation processes
Temperature -5°C (x,y) April 23, 4:45 EST Use a thermometer Altitude, time of day, weather conditions
Pressure 850 hPa (x,y) April 23, 4:45 EST Measure with a barometer Altitude, temperature, weather systems
Relative Humidity 100% (x,y) April 23, 4:45 EST Use a hygrometer Temperature, water vapor content
Chemical Composition 2 µg/m³ of sulfates (x,y) April 23, 4:45 EST Chemical analysis using spectrometry Air pollution sources, atmospheric chemistry
Light Absorption Characteristics 1.5 (unitless) (x,y) April 23, 4:45 EST Spectrophotometry Particle size, chemical composition
Scattering Characteristics 50 Mm⁻¹ (x,y) April 23, 4:45 EST Use a nephelometer Particle size distribution, refractive index
Vertical Wind Speeds 2 m/s (x,y) April 23, 4:45 EST Anemometer Temperature gradients, geographical features
Horizontal Wind Speeds 5 m/s (x,y) April 23, 4:45 EST Anemometer Surface friction, pressure gradients
Electrical Charge 5 nC/m³ (x,y) April 23, 4:45 EST Measure with an electrometer Collision of particles, presence of ice

Architectures: Lesson 26. Creating Value for the World, Self, and Tribe. 2007


Secrets: Observation 28. Unsharable objects are perfect secrets. 2007