Businesses can do good. Observation 50. Creating solutions by scaling models. 2022 to 2030


The most important observation in this story is that the focus of environmental efforts shifted from simply planting a large number of trees to a broader concept of restoring and preserving habitats. This change acknowledges the complexity of ecosystems and the need for a holistic approach to environmental conservation. It also illustrates the evolving understanding of what truly benefits the environment beyond initial simplistic solutions.

The Lesson:

The most important lesson is that effective environmental action requires a comprehensive understanding and approach, rather than focusing on single, isolated actions.

How this is Helpful:

  1. Holistic Thinking: Encourages considering all aspects of an environment, not just one element.

  2. Adaptability: Shows the importance of adapting strategies based on new insights and knowledge.

  3. Impact Awareness: Highlights the need to understand the broader impacts of our actions on the environment.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Beyond Trees: What other elements are crucial for a healthy ecosystem?

  2. Learning and Adapting: How can we continuously improve our environmental strategies?

  3. Broader Impacts: What are the unintended consequences of our environmental actions?


Business Thermodynamics: 49. Money is Energy. 1985 to today


Businesses are pollinators: Observation 51. Spreading regenerative business models. 2026