Business Games. Observation 47. Deploying a regenerative business model in the real world. 2024

Observation: The key observation in this story is the innovative approach of using a beekeeping-themed board game, "bbox The Business of the Bees", to teach children about various business functions. The game aims to create a community of young entrepreneurs, equipping them with skills in marketing, sales, operations, and finance. This method also instills the importance of environmental stewardship by connecting business acumen with creating a pollinator habitat.

The Lesson: The central lesson of this story is the significance of integrating business education with environmental consciousness from a young age, fostering a generation of socially and environmentally responsible entrepreneurs.

How this is Helpful:

  1. Business Skills: Enhances understanding of key business concepts among youth.

  2. Environmental Stewardship: Encourages awareness and action for environmental conservation.

  3. Long-term Thinking: Promotes the value of foresight and planning for future financial and ecological wellbeing.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Why Business Matters: How can learning about business help us in creating a better world?

  2. Nature's Role: What can nature teach us about effective business and life strategies?

  3. Future Investments: How can we use our resources today for a more prosperous and sustainable tomorrow?


Partnership Games: Observation 46. Creating Win-Win-Win situations. 2024


Glamping Game. Observation 48. Building a place to hatch plans. 2025