Bisualizer: Observation 34. Demonstrating Business Visualization using software. 2016


The most important observation in the story is that the narrator's journey in developing and promoting the "Bisualizer" software, designed for business visualization, is filled with challenges, persistence, and a realization of the essentiality of practical application in creative endeavors. Despite investing significant time, effort, and finances, the narrator faces difficulties in making the software broadly accepted or understood, ultimately leading to a lack of interest from others. This journey reflects a mix of triumph, struggle, and the necessity of aligning innovative ideas with practicality.

The Lesson:

Persistence and innovation in creating something new are crucial, but aligning these creations with practical, understandable applications is key to their success.

How this is Helpful:

  1. Persistence: Keep trying even when faced with challenges.

  2. Innovation: Think outside the box for new solutions.

  3. Practicality: Make sure your ideas can be practically applied.

Questions for Reflection:

  1. Persistence: How can I keep going despite obstacles?

  2. Understanding Others: How can I ensure others understand and value my ideas?

  3. Practicality vs. Innovation: How do I balance my creative visions with practical applications?

When you can see everything that is happening in a business in real time, you can make better decisions. These better decisions tend to create more money.


Energy and Information Systems: Observation 33. A scale model of every system. 2010


Cloudminer: Observation 35. Optimizing Business Systems by mining money from the future. 2018