BeeBox: Observation 45. Using games to teach the Business of the Bees. 2024


The story focuses on an innovative educational game called "BeeBox," designed to teach children the intricacies of beekeeping and business management. By intertwining real-world business elements like marketing, finance, HR, and operations into a game format, it simplifies complex concepts for a younger audience. The overarching goal of this project is to foster a new generation of beekeepers and entrepreneurs, highlighting the importance of pollinator habitats and sustainable business practices.

The Lesson:

Education can be transformed into an engaging and practical experience by integrating play and real-world business concepts.

How this is Helpful:

  • Inspires Entrepreneurship: Encourages kids to think like entrepreneurs from an early age.

  • Environmental Awareness: Promotes understanding and preservation of pollinator habitats.

  • Skill Development: Teaches vital business skills in a fun, accessible way.

Questions for Reflection:

  • Why Play? How can playing a game shape our understanding of business and the environment?

  • What's My Role? In what ways can I contribute to preserving our environment through small, everyday actions?

  • Future Vision: How might the skills learned from this game help me in my future endeavors?


Game Theory: Observation 44. Modeling human behavior and decision making. 2023


Partnership Games: Observation 46. Creating Win-Win-Win situations. 2024